Links for Alternative Transportation/Cycling/Pedestrian Issues
Links Useful for Advocacy
Find Your Elected Officials -- League of Women Voter's form for looking up your elected officials.
Street Films -- Excellent source of examples of how some municipalities got it right!
Other Local & State Alternative Transportation & Walkable/Bikable Communities Advocacy Organizations
Bicycle Long Island -- Excellent page with a lot of useful links (I have them at the top of the list because I used their site to get a good listing of many of the links below -- feel free to use our links below, but I encourage you to visit their site for an even more comprehensive list)
CLIMB -- Concerned Long Island Mountain Bikers, a very active bicycle advocacy organization on Long Island.
Long Island Bus Riders' Union -- Advocating for Long Islanders who rely on the public bus system. They are a project of Long Island Jobs with Justice
Long Island Neighborhood Network -- Advocating for local government accountability with environmental issues
Long Island Progressive Coalition -- Advocating for many progressive issues, including sustainable development
NY Bicycle Coalition -- NYS bicycle advocacy organization with many useful links, including a summary of NYS biking laws, linked to below
Transit Solutions -- Advocating for use of public transportation options
Transportation Alternatives (NYC) -- Advocating for alternative transportation issues in NYC
Transportation Nation -- WNYC's transportation reports.
Tri-State Transportation Campaign -- "Working towards a more balanced, transit friendly and equitable transportation system in Connecticut, New York and New Jersey for over 20 years."
Vision Long Island -- Working on smart growth issues in Long Island
511 NY Ride Share -- A resource for finding carpools
Reports and Information on Local and State Transportation Issues
Bicycling Master Plan for Nassau and Suffolk Counties -- Just what the name says (thanks to Long Island Bicycle Coalition for compiling this)
Long Island Bicycle Maps -- As of 10/10/2015, this page, which is part of the Bicycle Long Island website, is still under development. I am linking to it her so that we can check back periodically and see progress.
Long Island Non-Motorized Transportation Study -- Draft of regional transportation plan, 2005-2030 (link updated 10/10/2015)
Most Dangerous Roads for Pedestrians in the Tri-State Region -- The latest report by the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, 2011-2013. Nassau and Suffolk County Roads show up as five of the top thirteen, including the number one and number two spot. (link updated 10/10/2015)
NY Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan (Nassau/Suffolk Counties) -- "The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) developed this Corridor Management Plan (CMP), which outlines strategies to protect, improve and promote the places and features that characterize these historic Parkways." (link updated 10/10/2015)
NYS Bike Laws (as Summarized by NY Bicycle Coalition) -- this page from the NY Bicycle Coalition has links to summaries of NYS Bike Laws as well as legal resources for cyclists. (link updated 10/10/2015)
NYS Bicycle Map Look-Up -- A source for finding bicycle maps
Relevant Governmental Organizations and Contacts
Contact Local and State Representatives -- Thanks to Long Island Bicycle Coalition for this page, as well
New York Metropolitan Transportation Council -- NYC metropolitan area (including Nassau and Suffolk County) transportation planning organization
NYS Department of Transportation -- Just what the link says
National Alternative Transportation & Walkable/Bikable Communities Advocacy Organizations
Alliance for Biking and Walking -- Committed to creating and strengthening local bicycling and walking advocacy groups.
Institute for Transportation and Governmental Policy -- a global alternative transportation rights group.
League of American Bicyclists -- National cyclist advocacy organization
People for Bikes -- National cyclist advocacy organization
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy -- Creating cycling trails from old rail lines
Surface Transportation Policy Partnership (STPP) -- "National collaborative working to ensure safer communities and smarter transportation choices"