Long Island Transportation Alliance Annual Membership
Long Island Transportation Alliance Annual Membership
Long Island Transportation Alliance members vote for the board and changes to the CLLI bylaws. It will also give you the right to run for the board. The fee for membership is $20/year. Although the membership fee will help somewhat for basic costs of existence, the point of the membership fee is to keep members somewhat involved. If you do not feel able to pay the membership fee, you can ask the board for membership with a reduced fee or no fee. Just email us via he contact form at http://www.car-lessli.org/contact/ and ask us to consider it. To remain a member after the year, you will either have to pay the $20 again, or ask to have it waived again.
Please realize that membership is different than simply donating. We'd like to members to take an on-going interest in who is one the board and how the organization is run.
Your membership fee is tax deductible.